Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Lesson in Human Compassion

Okay, so I'm not exactly the most caring person on the planet, but I'm learning. I recently joined peta2, and my eyes are opening to a whole new light.

Yeah, yeah, I'm a tree-hugging, animal-loving, Captain Planet nature freak. Sue me. My diet is almost completely organic vegetarian (full vegetarian, of course, just half-organic), and I talk to almost everyone I meet about the horrors of animal cruelty - corporate and domestic.

About fifteen minutes ago, I walked down to the lake at the end of my subdivision, and it brightened my heart to see kids playing with their puppies in the fields, little old ladies sunbathing with their cats, and on the way back to my house, I even saw a lady stop her van in the middle of the road to move a venturing turtle. I honestly hope that these are common sights that make everyone smile.

Unfortunately, most people don't know about the cruelty that animals experience; they're simply exploited for humanity and cultures that don't give a damn. Female cows experience menostasis (lack of menstruation) due to their living conditions on dairy farms. Before male cows are slaughtered, they are starved to cleanse the digestive system as not to contaminate their meat. Chickens, even on the supposedly cruelty-free free-range corporate farms, are scalded to death in order to have their feathers removed. Race dogs and horses are put to death or abandoned when they no longer perform as expected. Personally, I don't understand what gives humans the right to act as gods and destroy the lives of the creatures we share our planet with.

Please, visit peta2.com to find out what you can do to speak up for the other voices of Earth that have long been mute.

Don't forget to spay or neuter your pets, to drastically cut down on animal shelter population!

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