Monday, January 18, 2010

Goodnight, Nurse!

Sunday night was a night well spent: nursing my slip-and-fall grandma back to health. And cleaning up her vomit.

She fell in her iced-over driveway making a brave attempt to feed her birds (Mary Poppins-ing?). Luckily, she caught the deck railing before she could fall on her face. Unluckily, she tore a muscle in her shoulder trying to pull herself back up. My mom rushed her to the doctor, where they took x-rays to confirm that it wasn't broken; they also pumped her full of drugs that were too strong for her system, causing her to become a high-as-a-kite space cadet, also causing her to vomit all night.

She's better now, thankfully, and she recovered in time for us to make our trip down to Toledo to visit my mom's friend. Toledo = not my favorite. But totally worth the new haircut that I desperately needed.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Yap is Closed

I never thought I'd run out of things to blog about, but alas, the yap is closed. Nothing significantly entertaining has occured lately; no witty retorts, no fantastic comebacks, nothing that doesn't belong on the county blog Hole in the Road (there's that self-promotion again), which has a new contributor, by the way.

Also, Veronica Sawyer Smokes. If you haven't heard the song, listen. If you haven't seen Heathers, watch. And be enlightened.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

In Soviet Russia...

phonics are hooked on you.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hockey is for Jarome

Played hockey for the first time this season today - the ice is shit. It snowed buckets early this morning (thank God it wasn't heavy snow), so we had to shovel a tiny ass rink, but it works. Dunno if my knees have bruises on them yet or not; my skates are new-ish and I feel every rift or crack in the ice (is it sad that when I go to type crack, I type crash? Damn Crash Love!), and I tripped over a massive crack and went down hard on my knees. Then, I got body-checked, spun around somehow, and landed on my stomach, almost crushing Pilaf, my new iPod. Pilaf is indestructable. And I am immune to homicide. And hockey is for Jarome.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Dye Job

On Friday, I decided that I wanted to re-discover the joys of being a brunette. I miss my red hair :(

Today is my last day of doing nothing - tomorrow I have to start looking for a job. Time to grow up and become a real boy. Girl.