Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hello Lovelies!

Greetings to everyone out yonder in Internet land! I've decided to start another blog as a way of venting, so if I have any mystery followers from the last attempt (unlikely), this is going to be totally different from the last one.

So, I started to work on my Christmas shopping today, and actually got a lot done. I think this is the earliest I've started my shopping in...ever, but I swear, next year, I'm going to start in July. The mall was so packed today - I stood in line at Sears for an hour, was forced to fill out a credit card application (only to be declined, like I knew I would), to buy a coffee mug. One coffee mug. That cost me eight dollars. I waited an hour to pay eight dollars.

Stores I went to today:
1. FYE
2. Godiva Chocolatier (best fragging store in the universe)
3. Hot Topic (second best fragging store in the universe)
4. Pottery Barn
5. Bath and Body Works
6. Sears
7. Target
8. Meijer

It was actually really warm today - 36 degrees. It's really disheartening to think that 36 degrees is warm in southeastern Michigan in December, but that's life.

On top of my fun-in-the-sun Christmas shopping experience, I burned my Boca burger to a crisp. We'd been shopping from 2-7, and by the time we all got home, we were starving, and I didn't feel like cooking the burgers in a skillet, so I tossed them in the microwave, and burnt mine. Fuck my life.

After crunching through my burger (Boca is not supposed to crunch), we wrapped our Christmas booty, and now are occupying ourselves with YouTube vids. Ah, the joys of our generation.

On a semi-pop-culture related note: Barbie is apparently taking fashion tips from AFI frontman Davey Havok. What is the world coming to?


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