Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Consequences of Having No Life

When you have no life, you are stuck working on New Year's Eve for the second consecutive year. But it's not like you're actually going to do anything besides totally crash out for twelve straight hours of the best sleep you've had all year, because all the stress finally catches up with you at the very end of 2009.

Oh, by the way, merry happy. Hope your holidays were more rad than mine - I pulled an ass muscle playing the new Wii that we got, and I swear that my new iPod headphones haven't left me ear for more than two consecutive hours since Christmas Eve.

So, it's official: I'm losing my mind. My dad and I are watching True Blood reruns from season one, and in the background of a really dramatic scene, I swear to gods that I heard AFI's rendition of The Cure's Just Like Heaven. False alarm, but I believe that this belongs on the "You Know You're Obsessed with AFI When..." thread on the DF.

Anyway, Happy New Year. Here's hoping that 2010 is a shit-ton better than 2009.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Quotes about Corn

Someone said something about corn earlier, and I was flooded by quotes involving corn.

1. "The purple is coming out of the corn." -Davey Havok. Watch this video, and you'll understand it as much as humanly possible: The Chart.

2. "Do we have any stopcorn? I mean, popcorn?" -My cousin Ansley. Obviously, she was craving popcorn (as usual), but she was looking at a stop sign while talking. She can't multi-task.

3. "What do they use around here, corn cobs?" -My cousin Tracey. We were at a funeral in the middle of nowhere when she realized that she had no tampons. We went to six different stores, and no one had any tampons. Apparently, they do use corn cobs in the middle of nowhere.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Misconceptions about...

...being straight-edge. I was at work today, and some guy asked what the black Xs on the backs of my hands were (I haven't gotten my tattoo yet; I'm too poor). He, like most people, thought that it was from going to a club and being underage (I'm only nineteen). I get really sick of correcting people, so I said, "Let's just call it a fashion statement." The guy pressed the matter, so I said that it's a part of the straight-edge movement, and he said, "So, you go around and beat the shit out of people for buying tobacco?" All I could do was laugh. Obnoxiously. Because I thought of other straight-edge people that I know beating up random people who bought booze or tobacco - great mental images, by the way. This caused more stares than usual, and was pretty much the highlight of my day.

...patching things up with my best friend. I spoke too soon about us being okay: Today, he told me that he might be going to college in Florida next year. And, my drama senses are tingling, because there's something that he's not supposed to tell me, and it's freaking me out. I'm a worrier by nature, and he knows it.

...winter vacation. My other best friend is visiting her sister in Milwaukee, and my cousin just fell off the face of the planet. My sister is being a bum, and my friend from work hasn't called me (we were supposed to go skating because the ice is finally thick enough, and I've heard it kicks ass this season). Nothing exciting is happening on the DF or elsewhere on the internet. Boredom is a contagious disease, and I actually spent twenty-minutes hanging upside-down off my couch. Then I watched I Heard a Voice. Again.

...the economy. It is not getting better. My mom just found out that she's not going to have a job next fall. Also, my grandma is filing for divorce and bankruptcy, all in one. My school scholorship got taken away by the lovely State of Michigan (what a Michigan Promise, lemme tell ya). dog. He is, in fact, possessed by a demon. A very obese demon. It's just one big dark room.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Math Time

Drunken Dad + Angry Tirade = Stressed Straight-Edge Kid

When people ask me why I decided to go straight-edge, I tell them that I'm saving myself from genetics (alcoholism runs in my family). They don't get it.

Good news: My best friend and I are finally on speaking terms again after a huge fight on Saturday - we both decided to plead temporary insanity and put it in our box of conversation topics that will never see the light of day. The box runneth over.

Jade Puget is staring at me from his new home on the back of my bedroom door. Pretty creepy.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Nothing Better to Do

So I'm watching I Heard a Voice (once again) and noticed that on the back of the case, Adam looks like he's drinking from his cymbal through a straw. WTF, Adam? How do you drink a cymbal?

I finally joined The Despair Faction (kick ass), and these people are bad for my sanity. Last night, before I went to bed, I told my sister that I was fleeing to decemberunderground to Crash Love, and that she should Sing the Sorrow for me, and learn the Art of Drowning while I was gone. Crazy much?

On a different note: my sister is really dumb. She didn't realize that the reflection in the computer was us.

Also: going to Wal-Mart to get Jumping Jade nailpolish. Win.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Pillow Baths

A word to the wise from the not-so-wise: Never drink liquids while laying down in bed. Your pillows do not need to bathe.

That was almost as good as the time that I punched myself in the face while applying deoderant. Such is my life.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Pipe Dreams

The Thursday dancing has ended tragically.

I thought I'd gotten rid of all of my pipe dreams (becoming an author, traveling through Europe, moving far away), until I realized that spending time with my best friend was a pipe dream too. I mean, come on, I've known the kid practically since he was released from his mother's womb. Apparently I got too used to seeing him every day, so when he moved forty-five minutes away, it was an adjustment. Now that he moved closer to me again, I never see him or hear from him at all. The fact that I'm desperately in love with him doesn't help much either. That fact alone makes me feel like he's avoiding me or something. And I don't want to be too pushy about it either, but the last time I saw him will be exactly one month ago tomorrow.

All I want is to know what the hell is going on with him. Dream big, right?

Thursday Dance

LAST DAY OF THE SEMESTER! WOO! It's finally over! Now I have no idea what I'm going to do with myself for the next four months - I guess I should go get a job or something, you know, be a productive member of society and all that jazz, so I can pay my way through spring semester. But until then, I am dancing my Thursday dance. Because everyone was dancing.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Procrastinating has Benefits

Everyone in the visual arts program is superstitious. They think that if they aren't good little college students who get all their work done seven weeks in advance, the god of Washtenaw Community College will smite them, and they'll never be able to produce good work ever again. Good thing I'm a procrastinator that doesn't believe in being smited by any gods whatsoever. When I got in the production center, there were two other people there. Two. Two days before the end of the semester. It only took me two hours to cut my own matts and mount ten images, all while sharing the press and tacking iron with one other girl. I also got a candy cane for being such a terrible student.

Also, I found that visual arts students do not like Nick 13. The entire two hours that I was in the production center were filled with loud AFI and Blaqk Audio coming from one of my headphones. I didn't get any dirty looks until A Single Second came on. Poor Nick 13, college students in Ann Arbor, Michigan do not approve.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Universe... decidely against me. The end of the semester is looming (absolutely cannot wait!), and my final portfolio for digital photography is due on Thursday. Ten images, no theme, not a big deal. Until the production center runs out of matte board, and you haven't done any matting yet, so you have to cut school early on the only day that you can actually get things done to go all the way from Ann Arbor back to Brighton in a blizzard to go to Michael's Craft Store to buy some matte board, only to find out that you don't have enough money. So you have to go beg your dad to give a monetary donation, and by this time, you're so exhausted that after you finally get home after purchasing said matte board, you crash on the couch and sleep like the dead for two hours. Then you wake up with a stiff neck for falling asleep in a weird position, and you're so disoriented that you don't even know what day it is. Life is sweet.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Self Promotion

My sister and I have a joint blog about living in our small town of Brighton, Michigan. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff that goes on here. It's called Hole in the Road. I suggest checking it out (nudge, nudge), or I may have to take you out at the knees with a hockey stick.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sleep is Good

Feeling the adverse effects of a mere four hour slumber last, this morning.

My sister made pudding and put it in the fridge without a cover, so my dad came in and told us that if we didn't cover it, it would get crusty. I responded, "Yeah, Shelby, our pussy's going to get crusty." No sleep = no speaking English. Both my sister and my dad looked at me like I'm crazy (I am).

Playing old school video games and listening to old school AFI. Life is good. I'm supposed to be working on my psychology presentation right now - which is on obedience throughout history - but I'll get around to it eventually. Procrastinators of the world, unite...tomorrow.

The moral of the story is: get a good night's sleep, procrastinators win, and practice safe sex, else your pussy will get crusty. Nobody wants that.


Just finished watching AFI on KROQ's Almost Acoustic Christmas = amazing. Davey and Jade were a little squeaky tonight, Hunter's bass was just a tad loud (and his mic was just a tad quiet), and Adam's wardrobe is...interesting, to say the least. Also had a few candid appearances by Smith - that's always fun. At the beginning of the set (they opened with Torch Song), the crowd wasn't really into it, but they eventually gave in to Davey's undeniable charisma (and ass shaking <3 I love that man).

Someone decided to give Jade some beads with the Bud Light logo on them, which Davey referred to as "liver poison" (direct quote). I concur; ah, the beauties of being straight edge.

Also: where is Davey's lip ring?!?!?!?! These are the kinds of things that get me worked up on a regular basis.

All in all, great set. Almost as good as when I saw them last month in Detroit. I'm jealous of everyone that was there. The festival had a good lineup: Three Days Grace, Anberlin, Sublime, The Bravery, Rise Against, Alice in Chains, AFI, and others. Not to mention, this took place in LA. Where it's 58 degrees. Instead of 32 degrees here in Michigan. Bastards.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hello Lovelies!

Greetings to everyone out yonder in Internet land! I've decided to start another blog as a way of venting, so if I have any mystery followers from the last attempt (unlikely), this is going to be totally different from the last one.

So, I started to work on my Christmas shopping today, and actually got a lot done. I think this is the earliest I've started my shopping in...ever, but I swear, next year, I'm going to start in July. The mall was so packed today - I stood in line at Sears for an hour, was forced to fill out a credit card application (only to be declined, like I knew I would), to buy a coffee mug. One coffee mug. That cost me eight dollars. I waited an hour to pay eight dollars.

Stores I went to today:
1. FYE
2. Godiva Chocolatier (best fragging store in the universe)
3. Hot Topic (second best fragging store in the universe)
4. Pottery Barn
5. Bath and Body Works
6. Sears
7. Target
8. Meijer

It was actually really warm today - 36 degrees. It's really disheartening to think that 36 degrees is warm in southeastern Michigan in December, but that's life.

On top of my fun-in-the-sun Christmas shopping experience, I burned my Boca burger to a crisp. We'd been shopping from 2-7, and by the time we all got home, we were starving, and I didn't feel like cooking the burgers in a skillet, so I tossed them in the microwave, and burnt mine. Fuck my life.

After crunching through my burger (Boca is not supposed to crunch), we wrapped our Christmas booty, and now are occupying ourselves with YouTube vids. Ah, the joys of our generation.

On a semi-pop-culture related note: Barbie is apparently taking fashion tips from AFI frontman Davey Havok. What is the world coming to?
