Monday, January 3, 2011


There are two reasons that the title of this post is "Ahoy!"

1. After trolling YouTube for something amazing to ROFLcopter, I came across the fabulously funny/dorbs Destery and Nathan (AKA DesandNate). I highly advise everyone to check them out because you've never peed your pants so many times in one sitting - I GUARANTEE IT.

2. This Friday night, Shelby and I are leaving for our vacation, which involves a cruise. We'll try really hard not to get thrown overboard for being obnoxious. Also, I'm probably going to get shanked whilst on board, because of this conversation I had with my dad earlier today...

Dad: "Don't forget Dramamine. You're going to need it, otherwise you'll be sick the whole time. And don't buy it on the boat."
Dad: "We da boat people."
Me: "Yeah, the whole time we're on the cruise, I'm just going to be making really awkward slave trade references, and I'm probably going to get punched in the face like, ninety times."
Dad: "What?"
Me: "You know, like, 'Yo name Tobeh!'"
Dad: *LOL* "But that wasn't his name."

Yeah, if you have no idea what I'm talking about, it's from the movie "Roots". If you haven't seen that movie, don't. It's like, sixteen hours long, and it sucks.

Anyway, be expecting a super-long, action-packed travel blog for each locale on the trip, and maybe some awesome pics. We'll be driving (for TWENTY-FOUR FUCKING HOURS), so I'm sure we'll come across some nice creeps along the way.

Until next time, fair-winds, readers!

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